Dr David Wheatley Orthopaedic Surgeon
Specialising in surgery of the Hip, Knee, Foot & Ankle, Orthopaedic Trauma
Generally we find it is better to make appointments by phone to ensure we understand your situation and relevant details. If it is difficult for you to call us, please fill in the online form below and advise what time of day would suit for us to call you. Please note that if your condition is urgent, you should not rely on the online form but call us directly.
For all appointments & enquiries, please call .
Consultations with Dr Wheatley available at the following locations:
Suite 6
Mater Medical Centre
29 Jessie St
Rockhampton, QLD 4700
(07) 4922-7211
Driving Direction
Dr Wheatley also consults at Yeppoon and Gladstone at the following locations:
14 Mary St
Yeppoon QLD 4703
(07) 4922-7211
Driving Direction
96 Glenlyon Street,
Gladstone Central, 4680
(07) 4922-7211
Driving Direction
Office Hours
9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday (office hours may be reduced during leave periods).
First Visit Guide
Do I need a referral to make an appointment?
You can make an appointment prior to obtaining a referral from your GP. However, you will need a current referral at the time of your consultation in order to receive the Medicare rebate.
What orthopaedic conditions can I see Dr Wheatley about?
Dr Wheatley provides consultations on all orthopaedic conditions except for those relating to the spine and shoulder. If you have a back or shoulder problem, your GP will be able to advise you of a suitable surgeon.
What will I be asked when I call for an appointment?
Our secretaries will ask for the following:
- Your name and the suburb where you live
- Whether you have seen Dr Wheatley or Dr South before
- What part of the body you want to consult Dr Wheatley about
- Whether you are a private or WorkCover patient
- Whether you are with a health fund and which one
- What radiological investigations you have had
- Which GP is referring you
- Your best daytime contact number
What information will they give me?
Our secretaries will advise you of the cost of your initial consultation. They will advise whether further radiological investigations are required before your visit. For most conditions, Dr Wheatley will need an x-ray of the area.
Please ask for directions to the Mater Medical Centre if you need them.
Note: We do not give surgery quotes or medical advice over the phone. This will need to be discussed at the time of your consultation. If you need surgery, we will be able to give you an estimate once Dr Wheatley has identified the appropriate item number/s. See Financial Information.
What do I need to bring for my appointment?
- Your referral from your GP
- Any investigations you have of the injured area, e.g., x-rays, ultrasound, MRI, CT
- Payment
- Your Medicare card number
- Optionally, you can also download the Medical History Form (see Patient Forms), fill it in and bring it along also. Otherwise, we will give you a form to fill in when you arrive for your consultation.
Confirmation and cancellation of appointments
If you need to cancel or change your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible.
We will phone you in the week prior to your initial consultation to confirm the appointment. Please call us back if we are unable to speak with you directly. We have a waiting list of patients who would like to be booked into an earlier appointment if one becomes available.
Other appointment information
Dr Wheatley endeavours to run his consultation clinics to time. However, the nature of orthopaedics means that he may have to accept emergencies at times. These are unforeseen and cannot be predicted and occasionally he may fall a little behind his schedule. We understand your time is valuable. If you have limited time available for your appointment, please call us prior to your scheduled time to see how Dr Wheatley is running.
If you would like us to call you to arrange an appointment, please fill in the online form below.