Dr David WheatleyOrthopaedic Surgeon
Specialising in surgery of the Hip, Knee, Foot & Ankle and Hand & Wrist
For all appointments & enquiries, please call
Services available at the following location:
Rockhampton Orthopaedics
Suite 6
Mater Medical Centre
29 Jessie St
Rockhampton, QLD 4700
(07) 4922-7211
Driving Direction
Dr Wheatley also consults at Yeppoon and Gladstone at the following locations:
Vector Health
14 Mary St
Yeppoon QLD 4703
(07) 4922-7211
Driving Direction
Gladstone Physio & Fitness
96 Glenlyon Street,
Gladstone Central, 4680
(07) 4922-7211
Driving Direction